Хайчуан Медикал is seeking distribution partners in global markets for

Innovative Medical Devices

The innovative healthcare series are designed and manufactured by Haichuang Medical, including:

*Click to find the introductions of the products in the following.

*If you want to know more, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page. Our sales team will get back to you soon.

Профиль компании
Factory of Haichuang Medical

Innovative Medical Products

Choose the one you’re interested in when you submit the contact form so that we can serve you better.


Фиксатор дренажной трубки раны

A new method to secure wound drainage tubes instead of sutures

Фиксатор дренажной трубки для раны LOOPIX
3D demo picture, different from the real product

3D Product Operation Video

This video shows how to use the LOOPIX Wound Drainage Tube Fixing Device

Clinical Cases


Набор для закрытия хирургических разрезов

A new approach to closing surgical wounds in the skin

BI-FIX Closing
3D demo picture, there is a difference from the real product

3D Presentation Video

This video shows how to use the Bi-FIX Surgical Incision Closure Set

Clinical Cases


Нервно-мышечный электростимулятор

Устройство для нейромышечной электростимуляции DVT-A производства Haichuang Medical представляет собой технологию 3-го поколения для предотвращения тромбоза глубоких вен и легочной эмболии (ТЭЛА), вызванных ТГВ. В отличие от прерывистой пневматической компрессии (IPC) и компрессионного трикотажа, применение NMES открывает новую эру профилактики ТГВ.

This device stimulates the neuromuscular to contract continuously and rhythmically, promotes the flexion of the ankle joint, and enables the muscles to actively pump blood to improve the blood supply of the veins, arteries, and microcirculation of the lower extremities. 

This video shows how to use the Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulator


Wound Debridement Irrigator

Одноразовый ирригатор для обработки ран CLEANIX представляет собой систему струйной очистки, состоящую из капельной насадки, брызгозащитного колпачка, катетера, внешнего медицинского кислорода и физиологического раствора. В палатах, поликлиниках или операционных кислород можно использовать в качестве энергии для преобразования физиологического раствора в микрокапли и доставки их в рану. Аэробная обработка различных видов ран под воздействием микрокапель удобна, безопасна и эффективна.

Ирригатор для обработки ран CLEANIX


Устройство для уменьшения натяжения кожи

Non-invasive skin tension reduction & Laceration and mild cut skin closure

Применимо для

  • Восстановление раны после операции
  • Снятие напряжения после пластической операции
  • Восстановление после кесарева сечения
  • Первая помощь
  • Лечение детских травм
  • Чрезвычайная ситуация
ZI-FIX Skin Tension Reduction Device

О Хайчуан Медикал

Zhejiang Haichuang Medical Device Co., Ltd. was founded in 2015 and is located in Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang province. We specialize in medical disposable device manufacturing which combines R&D, Production, and Sales. As for now, we have more than 6 series of products including BI-FIX Surgical Incision Closure Set, LOOPIX Drainage Tube Securement Device, Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulator for DVT prevention, ZI-FIX Skin Tension Reduction Device and so on. For the past years, Haichuang Medical has already become one of the very few leading enterprises in the field of non-invasive surgical closing devices in China, and now we are ready to serve global markets.

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Are you interested in enriching your product line with Unique Designed Medical Products?

Contact Us for More Details

Introductions of the products are followed after the contact form.

Haichuang Medical is looking for distribution partners in global markets for our innovative high-value medical consumables, including noninvasive surgical wound closure set and wound drainage tube fixing device, DVT prevention device, wound debridement irrigator, skin tension reduction device and so on. These medical devices are innovative and uniquely designed with broad market prospects. They’re widely applicable for various surgical departments, such as general surgery, thoracic surgery, ultrasound Intervention surgery, orthopedic, oncology, ICU, and so on, or suitable for home use as well.

If you are distributing related medical devices or consumables, this new product could enrich your product line and expand your profit growth point. If you have a distribution network and team in the local territory and are interested in our products, we can reach cooperation. With our high-quality products and rich experience in the global market, as well as your sales channels and sales experience, we can grow together and reach long-term cooperation.

Submit the contact form if you want to know more about the demo, detailed introduction, or distribution policy. Welcome to leave a detailed message if you have any questions. Our sales team will get back to you soon.


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